A Daring interpretation of CaLM

The cradle of the sun. In the small hours 139 metres above Vienna. No one is as close to the sun in their own home when the day begins. Whether it’s at breakfast on the terrace or at the bar in the open kitchen, the vital energy of the sunrise is omnipresent.




sunrise is a way of life

The SUNRISE Penthouse is the first choice for lovers of the East Side. A lifestyle for all seasons, embedded in a harmonious synthesis of the arts of colours and materials that embody and stage the sunlight and its warmth. Holiday feelings high above the big city.

Wake up Make up – the bathroom in the light of the sun. A glow on your face, warmth on your skin. The sensation of beauty and the feeling of security. 

Morning coffee – not everyone can enjoy their first cup of coffee on their private terrace 139 m above Vienna. This is how every day can begin. With optimism and full of energy for life. Anything is possible when your home is called Sunrise. 

Ein Projekt von

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